Transportation News

Transportation News

The latest alternative transportation news from our hybrid, electrical car and transportation news sources.

Alternative Transportation

Brazilian federal judge blocks budge to demolish hefty swath of Amazon forest

Sep Four, 2017: Brazilian president Michel Temer recently attempted to open up a national reserve to mining companies, but a federal judge put a stop to that plan. (more…)

Toyota, Hyundai and Mazda are ripping off prices of petite cars

Big discounts on puny cars as Toyota Corolla, Hyundai i30 and Mazda3 battle for top spot

Top-seller status for two thousand sixteen has come down to these three cars, and the deals are getting acute. Picture: Thomas Wielecki

CAR buyers are set to be the big winners of a fierce three-way battle inbetween the Toyota Corolla, Mazda3 and Hyundai i30 — each is within striking distance of becoming Australia’s top seller for 2016. (more…)

Toyota Tops Consumer Reports Reliability Probe

Toyota Tops Consumer Reports Reliability Examine

Car News

Car News

Japanese automotive brands swept the top seven positions in the latest Consumer Reports reliability probe, with Toyota and its subsidaries Lexus and Scion taking the top three catches sight of.

Consumer Reports, the world’s largest independent product-testing organization, compiles data about “serious problems” from its subscribers to predict reliability on a range of models. (more…)