SAE News: Toyota Bounty, Autonomous Threats, Classy Glass, Gen-Z Car – V2V Standards, auto connected car news

SAE News: Toyota Bounty, Autonomous Threats, Classy Glass, Gen-Z Car & V2V Standards

At SAE World Congress this week in Detroit, there were announcements both good and bad for the connected car industry from the feds, Toyota, suppliers, GM and engineers.

Toyota’s Bounty to STEM

Toyota announced a bounty of $1 million to strengthen and expand access to “A World in Motility,” (AWIM), the Society of Automotive Engineers’ high-quality science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education program. (more…)

Pokemon Trading Card Game Online

Pokemon Trading Card Game Online TCGO Two.23.1.864

Collect the most infrequent Pokemon cards and play without mixing up the rules in Pokemon Trading Card Game Online. This free game is the PC version of trading and collecting Pokemon cards, including all of the most latest editions of the game. If you want to expand your decks, you’ll have to accumulate in-game currency or make purchases (albeit it’s also possible to make a trade). (more…)